Early Pregnancy Diagnosis in Cows by "Milk Ejection Test"

Last updated on November 30th, 2023 by Abdul Kioum


  • To confirm the pregnancy after 20-22 days of insemination.

  • To reduce duration of service period.


PGF2α in non-luteolytic dose induces the release of oxytocin from the corpus luteum which causes let-down of milk in the lactating and pregnant cows.


  • This test is performed generally 3 hours prior to the evening milking in dairy cows (18-22 days after insemination)

  • Place the teat cannula in the left fore-teat and leave it for milk flow from teat cistern.

  • When the milk flow ceases, a small dose (2.5 mg or 0.5 ml) of Dinoprost (Lutalyse) is administered intravenously through ear vein.

  • If the corpus luteum of pregnancy is present, alveolar milk starts to flow about one minute later.