Bacillus subtilis + Lactic Acid Bacteria + Saccharomyces cerevisiae + Streptomyces spp. + Protease + Amylase + Cellulase + Vitamin A + Vitamin D + Vitamin + Vitamin B Complex + Niacin + Pantothenic Acid + Iron + Manganese + Zinc + Copper + Maltodextrin

Dose and dosage

In General

Please follow the trade dose.

  Prevents the colonization of harmful bacteria & increases the growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut and thus reduces the incidence of diseases 

 Enhances immunity  Improves gut environment 

 Increases villus height, which increases absorption of nutrients 

 Stimulates digestion 

 Improves FCR 

 Reduces mortality 

 Enhances growth, meat &/or egg production 

 It is recommended not to use antibiotics with Prozyme Vet and if antibiotic treatment is required, use Prozyme Vet 24 hours after the last day of antibiotic treatment. 

 Meat, milk & egg- 0 (Zero) day.