Bromhexine Hydrochloride

Dose and dosage


0.50 mg/kg body weight q24 hours.


0.20 - 0.40 mg/kg body weight q24 hours.


2 mg/kg body weight q24 hours.


1 mg/kg body weight q24 hours.


0.20-0.40 mg/kg body weight q24 hours.

Applications: Chronic Respiratory Disease (CRD), Complicated Chronic Respiratory Disease (CCRD), Bronchopneumonia, Infectious Bronchitis, Laryngotracheitis, Pneumonia, coughing, Rhinitis, Influenza

treatment of respiratory disorders associated with viscid or excessive mucus or productive cough. This include: Tracheobronchitis, Bronchitic with emphysema, Bronchiectasis, Bronchitis with bronchospasm, chronic inflammatory pulmonary conditions, Pneumoconiosis.

 Bromhexine Hydrochloride is contraindicated in animals hypersensitive to it. 

 Bromhexine Hydrochloride is a mucolytic agent, which acts on the mucus by degrading the structure of mucopolysaccharide fibres making phlegm less viscous and thinner, thus eases expectoration. It is also effective for the treatment of amniotic fluid aspiration/pneumonia in newborn calves. 

 With medicine: Bromhexine Hydrochloride may be used in conjunction with antibiotics and/or sulphonamides & bronchodilators. It increases bioavailability of antibiotics oxytetracycline, spiramycin, tylosin, erythromycin, ampicillin, doxycycline, amoxicillin & cefuroxime. 

With feed & others: No interaction was found with feed. 

 Common side effects: Headache, dizziness, sweating and skin rash. Rare side effects: A transient rise in serum aminotransferase values may be seen 

 Overdosing may cause toxicity in animals especially in calves if the dose rate is not based on their actual body weight or health status. No specific antidote is known, only symptomatic treatment is recommended. 

 Bromhexine Hydrochloride crosses the placental barrier. Animal studies do not indicate direct or indirect harmful effects with respect to pregnancy, fetal development, parturition or postnatal development. However, risk & necessity should be considered during administration in pregnant & lactating animals 

 Do not use in cases of pulmonary oedema. 

 Meat- Meat must not be consumed up to 1 day after administration of this medicine & Pigs: 0 (zero) day. 

Milk- Should not be used in cattle producing milk for human consumption.