Bional Forte
Drug Class: Vitamin Supplement
Generic Drug: Vitamin B Complex
View Alternative Brand Names (2)Manufacturer: Techno Drugs Ltd.
Basic information
Generic Drug
Route of Administration
Strength / Concentration
Presentation and price
10 ml vial
100 ml vial
Dose and dosage
5-10 ml daily thrice in a week.
Calf: 1-2 ml daily thrice in a week.
5-10 ml daily thrice in a week.
Foal: 1-2 ml daily thrice in a week.
5-10 ml daily thrice in a week.
Calf: 1-2 ml daily thrice in a week.
1-2 ml daily thrice in a week.
1-2 ml daily thrice in a week.
Ruminants: Inappetance, weakness, ataxia, paresis, anorexia, diarrhoea followed by signs characteristic of polyencephalomalacia including blindness, head pressing, convulsions, paralysis, opisthotonos, poor growth, loss of hair, skin lessions, lacrimation & salivation, scours, metabolic disorders, microcytic hypochromic anaemia, nervous disorders, scally dermatitis around the mouth 8 muzzle, leukopenia.
Horse: Lethargy, anorexia, weight loss, ataxia, cardiac arhythmias, muscle tremors & convulsions.
Dogs: Anorexia, emesis, depression, paraparesis, torticollis, circling, convulsions, signs of "Black tongue" or "brown mouth", cheilosis, glossitis, gingivitis, bloody diarrhoea, cardiomyopathy.
0 days
Store below 30° C temperature and dry place, protected from light. Keep all medicines out of reach of children.