Mura Plus Vet
Drug Class: Immunomodulators
Generic Drug: Lysozyme + Vitamin E + Vitamin C + L-Carnitine + Sodium Selenite + Sorbitol + Galacto-Oligosaccharides + Beta 1, 3 D glucans + Betaine + Aniseed oil + Dextrose Carrier
View Alternative Brand Names (1)Manufacturer: Acme Laboratories LTD.
Basic information
Generic Drug
Route of Administration
Strength / Concentration
Presentation and price
10 gm sachet
100 gm sachet
Dose and dosage
1-3 g/10 kg body weight.
1-3 g/10 kg body weight.
Broilers and turkey :
Feed: 1-1.5 g/10 kg of feed for 5-7 days. In drinking water: 1-2 g/1-1.5 L water for 5-7 days.
Laying hen and breeders :
Feed: 0.5-1 g/10 kg of feed for 5-7 days. In drinking water: 1-1.5 g/L water for 5-7 days.
Brooding :
In drinking water: 0.5-1 g/L water for 3-5 days
Useful during antibiotics, vaccination and as an adjunct in the prevention of shock.
1-3 g/10 kg body weight.
1-3 g/10 kg body weight.
Contraindicated in birds/animals hypersensitive to any ingredients.
Lysozyme: It also known as Muramidase, an enzyme that naturally present in the body fluids of many animals. It helps to increase immunity & has antibacterial effect. It helps to improve the secretion of IgA & activate macrophage to facilitate phagocytosis of pathogen. It effectively ruptures the peptidoglycan layer of bacterial cell wall & thus inhibits the growth of bacteria.
Vitamin E: It is an antioxidant, involved in stabilizing unsaturated fatty acids. The main antioxidant property is preventing formation of toxic free radicals and oxidation of the unsaturated fatty acids in the body.
Vitamin C: It prevents any kind of stress (heat stress, transportation, vaccination & diseases etc.) and it also helps in wound healing by collagen fiber synthesis.
LCarnitine: It Helps in metabolic energy production, stabilizes cellular membrane & stimulates immune system.
Sodium Selenite: It is a component of the enzyme glutathione peroxidase, which plays an important role in protection of cells by destroying oxidizing agents like free radicals and oxidized unsaturated fatty acids.
Sorbitol: It Improves feed absorption and gut motility. Sorbitol increases the secretion of secretin & cholecystokinin (CCK) hormones that stimulates the secretion & excretion of bile & biliary salts. Cholecystokinin (CCK) increases the secretion of two pancreatic enzymes, amylase & lipase. Sorbitol also helps in liver detoxification, acts as hepatoprotector & cellular osmoregulator.
Galacto-Oligosaccharides & Beta 1, 3 D glucans: These support natural defenses of the body via the gut microflora, by increasing the number of beneficial bacteria in the intestine and inhibiting the binding or survival of harmful microorganisms. Betaine: It reduces stress & improves FCR. Aniseed oil: It increases immunity
Lysozyme is a natural enzyme & no risk in overdose is found.
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