U-Tonic Vet
Drug Class: Ecbolic Preparations
Generic Drug: Zinc Chelate + Copper Chelate + Cobalt Chelate + Iron + Herbal Extracts
View Alternative Brand Names (1)Manufacturer: Acme Laboratories LTD.
Basic information
Generic Drug
Route of Administration
Strength / Concentration
Presentation and price
450 ml bottle
Dose and dosage
Retention of placenta: 450 ml after parturition at a time & repeat after 6 hours if needed.
For healthy uterus: 150 ml per day for 6 days.
For induction of heat: 150 ml/day for 6 days from the 54th day after parturition.
Retention of placenta: 450 ml after parturition at a time & repeat after 6 hours if needed.
For healthy uterus: 150 ml per day for 6 days.
For induction of heat: 150 ml/day for 6 days from the 54th day after parturition.
Retention of placenta: 75 ml after parturition at a time & repeat after 6 hours if needed.
For healthy uterus: 75 ml/day for 6 days.
Retention of placenta: 75 ml after parturition at a time & repeat after 6 hours if needed.
For healthy uterus: 75 ml/day for 6 days.
0 days.
Keep below 30 degree Celsius.